Sunday, June 8, 2008

Symbols of Mice and Men

Mice of Men Symbols

The Farm
The Farm that George and Lennie frequently dreamed about buying was equal to heaven. For them with this farm they would have the stability that they both longed for, a place to live, crops to eat and possibly sell, and rabbits for Lennie to tend to and pet.

In Mice of Men the brotherhood that the men shared always seemed to be tested when Curley’s wife was around. Curley’s wife was pretty, thin, sweet, and gentle, which all the guys didn’t seem to mind. But the way that she comes off in both the movie and book she is portrayed as promiscuous, and when she comes around, the men don’t want to have anything to do with her because Curly may get the wrong idea that they were flirting with one another and Curley would want to prove he is man hood by being a tough guy. So because of Curley wife the men’s friendship is forever tested because of Curley’s wife being lonely and longing for friendship.

Lennie’s Misplaced Strength
In the beginning of getting to know Lennie, we learn that Lennie’s intentions are never understood, such as when George and Lennie are on the run from Weed because of Lennie touching a young woman’s soft dress which freaked her out, which made her scream for help, which was the reason for them needing to flea Weed. When they arrived in their new place of work, his strength was again misplaced when petting his newly born puppy in the barn one day, his puppy nipped him and Lennie unintentionally broke the poor puppy’s neck. Then the final time his strength was misplaced was after he accidently broke his puppy’s neck, Curley’s wife came into the barn and began taking to Lennie, where they got on the topic of how he liked soft things and her having soft hair. When she gave him permission to stroke her hair, he began to stroke her hair gently then forcefully which made her cry out for help, as she was yelling her covered her mouth and accidently smothered her to death. When George found out, he had to do the most unthinkable think which was to put Lennie out of his soft loving life and kill Lennie so Curley couldn’t get the pleasure of committing this horrible deed.